Business Closed
Gresham Counseling and Therapy LLC is no longer in business and is no longer providing services to any clients of any kind. Kristen Beck MS LPC will not be seeing any clients for the foreseeable future due to personal matters.
For administrative matters, please contact Kristen Beck at 503-766-9083. (Calls are returned typically in a week, but sometimes it can take longer. There is no fax number. Call to get mailing addresses.) PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE BEFORE CALLING
Do not call to receive crisis assistance, services, consultations, referrals, or information about other providers or organizations.
If you are having a life threatening emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
If you are having a mental health crisis, call 988, or if 988 is not available in your area, call the crisis line for your area. (Call 211 or check local directories for updated information about crisis lines in your area.)
Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503-988-4888
Clackamas County Crisis Line: 503-655-8585
If you require non-crisis or emergency services, please consider using an online directory, such as,, or to find a provider who can meet your needs. Such directories often have information listed by providers that can help you to determine if they may be a good match for you. may have information about low cost or free services from non-profit and government organizations. Kristen is not providing consultations and therefore cannot make recommendations about other services that may meet your unique needs, but you may be able to find information about other reputable providers and services on the Other Resources page.
Please ensure you are contacting the correct person regarding the correct company and are using the correct contact information.
Gresham Counseling and Therapy LLC existed from 2016 to 2023 and only operated in Gresham, Oregon; and Kristen Beck was the only owner, employee, and provider. Services were limited to non-mandated counseling.
If you are attempting to discuss information regarding any services outside of the span of years that the company was in business or in other cities, any services provided by any other provider (including providers with similar names), any services provided by another company (including companies with similar names), services provided by other companies or providers in offices with the same address, or any services involving an employee with a different name; then you likely have the wrong information, even if that information was provided to you by someone who claimed to be a former client or by another provider, and you are likely contacting the wrong person. Please verify information with clients, providers, etc. before contacting or sharing sensitive information.
There are several other companies with the words Gresham, Counseling, and Therapy in their names, and none of them were / are affiliated with this company.
There are other providers and businesses who shared office space or practice addresses, and there are past owners of the website domain name before it was used for this company, and none of them were / are affiliated with this company.
There are other persons named Kristen Beck, or have similar names, but none of them were / are affiliated with this company.
Please do not request information for other providers, persons, or businesses or attempt to leave messages for them (messages will be deleted and cannot be forwarded).
Do not call for solicitations (such messages will be deleted).
Do not rely on online directories for correct contact or mailing information or business information. Many of these listings are generated by AI, computer algorithms, and bots or are compiled using information provided by people not affiliated with this company, and much of this information is incorrect. (Attempts to correct the information are often unsuccessful.) CALL TO RECEIVE CORRECT ADDRESSES AND EMAIL ADDRESSES.